SERVICES | Agile Work System Design

Are your work systems designed for flow... or designed for slow?

KM Global Ventures

We rapidly improve the design of your work systems so you can achieve more with less burnout in 3 months or less.

Now we see how our work connects to the rest of the organization!


Build your work system design muscles!

We equip your teams with the 5 Key Behaviors of Agile Work System Design.

They include:


Focus efforts on high value work.


Make work-in-progress easily visible to the team and our stakeholders.


Design workflows to be as streamlined as possible.


Make iterative improvements to the work system to reduce delays and bottlenecks.


Only take on as much work as the team can effectively handle at any one time.


Improve Flow with Agile Work System Design

3 Outcomes for Your Organization:


Improved work system design across all teams:

We train your teams in powerful visual management techniques to improve the flow of value to their stakeholders


Measurable improvements in reducing delays and roadblocks

We train your people to identify and minimize the 5 most common ways that teams sabotage their progress


Improved meeting effectiveness and team learnings:

We train your teams in agile project planning, daily huddles, and retrospectives so that they use their time together in the most effective way possible

What it does for your org

Streamlined Execution

Your teams move from frantic “firefighting mode” to streamlined execution mode

Faster Completion

Your teams move faster by focusing on the critical few prioritized projects at a time

Your Most Important Goals Accomplished

Your teams make sustained progress on their most important goals


Equip your people to coach themselves


Internal coaching abilities propel your organization to make progress on goals, remove roadblocks that come up, and generate solutions in team huddles and retrospectives.


As part of our work together, we equip you for long term success by developing your own internal coaches who will help your teams sustain their new behaviors and continually improve.


We customize our offerings to meet your needs

Depending on the needs of your organization, we'll draw from a variety of work system design tools (Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban, etc) and technologies (Asana, Microsoft Teams, Monday, Airtable, Jira, etc) to build on your existing project management stack.

How We Help You Improve Your Work System

3 options for Your Organization —

What does this
option include?

Workshop series open to all employees over the course of 6 weeks

Who is this for?

Organizations looking to provide basic exposure to work system design for employees at all levels


1. Ease of accessibility

2. Low administrative effort

3. Broad-scale exposure


Early stage development of a shared language for agility

What does this
option include?

Learning journey specifically for executives and managers over the course of 2 months

Who is this for?

Organizations looking to build internal management capabilities for leading agile teams


1. Rich social learning with peers

2. Structured opportunities for applying concepts to real work work

3. Measurable distributed leadership behavior adoption


Shared leadership language, frameworks, and behaviors for managers

What does this
option include?

Consultative journey specifically for business units, cross-functional teams, and functional teams over the course of 3 months

Who is this for?

Organizations looking to improve the measurable outcomes of business units and teams


1. Rich social learning with peers

2. The design and implementation of team-based behavior experiments

3. Measurable distributed teambehavior adoption


Measured and sustained organizational development improvements
Workshop Series
Leadership Training
Transformation Sprint

What does this option include?

Workshop series open to all employees over the course of 6 weeks

Who is this for?

Organizations looking to provide basic exposure to work system design for employees at all levels
Organizations looking to build internal management capabilities for leading agile teams



1. Ease of accessibility

2. Low administrative effort

3. Broad-scale exposure
1. Rich social learning with peers

2. Structured opportunities for applying concepts to real work work

3. Measurable distributed leadership behavior adoption

Learning journey specifically for executives and managers over the course of 2 months
Consultative journey specifically for business units, cross-functional teams, and functional teams over the course of 3 months
Organizations looking to improve the measurable outcomes of business units and teams
1. Rich social learning with peers

2. The design and implementation of team-based behavior experiments

3. Measurable distributed teambehavior adoption
Early stage development of a shared language for agility
Shared leadership language, frameworks, and behaviors for managers
Measured and sustained organizational development improvements

Book your complimentary 30-minute consultation to learn more about Agile Work System Design.

Book Your Discovery Session