ABOUT US | KM Global Ventures

Build an organization that gets even better in times of change

Stop working long hours without the results to show for it.

KM Global Ventures

Our Approach

We believe in humane approach to improving work that matters.

This means attending to your social system AND your work system.

Research shows that real results happen when you improve the social and the work system together.


We apply tried and true methods for improving
Team Intelligence in your organization.

Team Intelligence (def.):
The ability to collaboratively solve problems well under a wide variety of circumstances

Our approach integrates insights from lean masters, such as Taiichi Ono and Edward Deming, for improving your work system with the newer fields of positive psychology and inclusive leadership for improving your social system.  


We work with you in Transformation Sprints.

We take a behavioral-science based approach to introducing new methods, tools, and capabilities within your organization

I don't want a big and expensive "change initiative." I want measurable results!

Our Principles for Improvement

Start with where you are now.

We help you pursue step-change improvements with iterative cycles and rapid feedback loops.

Involve leadership at all levels.

We make your sure leaders are vertically and horizontally aligned for real and lasting change.

Empower those who are closest to the work to improve it.

We equip your teams to design and own their own improvement processes.

Each one, teach one.

We train your people to be internal coaches for each other so that improvement continues long after we're gone.

Interested in boosting your org's capabilities?

Let's Get Started